1. Memberships and appointments are exclusively made online, through our member app through Gym Master

  2. Our plunge is self-serve during business hours. Our members may access the plunge room on their own. For first timers, we recommend a guided plunge with one of our staff. Simply request this at checkout or message us online

  3. Memberships are billed monthly. Choose from 5, 10, 15, or 30 plunges per month. Sessions do not roll over if unused. Cancel anytime before 24 hours ahead of your next billing cycle

  4. Plunge sessions are 15 minutes in length. We recommend starting with 2 minutes and slowly work your way up to 8 minutes

  5. Our plunge is maintained with spa-quality chlorine, and kept at constant pH and alkalinity levels and cleaned regularly. Our water is constantly circulated and filtered down to 20 microns for a crystal clear and clean plunge

  6. Add a Buddy- We allow ONE additional person to be added to your plunge session. Everyone must sign a waiver to utilize these services. All waivers must be signed PRIOR to appointment.


  1. Mental performance (will power, resilience, grit, and the ability to move through challenges)

  2. Improve recovery times for athletic performance, hypertrophy, and strength

  3. Reduce inflammation

  4. Improves dopamine release, attention, and mood

  5. Boost metabolism, especially if you warm your body naturally after plunging

  6.  Increases in brown fat metabolization

  7. Strengthen your nervous and immune system

  8. Enhance your sleep quality, particularly if done in the morning

  9. Combat oxidative stress

  10. Regulate blood sugar levels more effectively


  1. Before you plunge, visualize the process of getting in deliberately and in a controlled manner. Don’t move too fast, or too slow, just right

  2. Please bring a set of dry clothes and your own towel to dry off after your plunge

  3. Breathe as you would normally, relax your mind and body. Be present and enjoy the experience

  4. If you plan to train hypertrophy or strength in the same day as the cold plunge, either plunge first or wait 4 hours after training

  5. For those training endurance, plunging at anytime is fine for performance


  1. All members must sign a waiver prior to using our Plunge

  2. Please be punctual about your scheduled time (15 minute sessions). We want everyone to enjoy their time and not go into other member’s schedules. Staying after your time will result in fees for each violation

  3. Listen to your body and plunge at your own pace. Please always exercise safety when plunging

  4. We keep our Plunge at a constant temperature. Please do not touch the Plunge components

  5. You are responsible for your safety and health before you plunge. Staff is not required to be present for you to enjoy a Plunge to start your day. Please read our list of contraindications for the plunge. People taking medications and people with certain medical or health conditions may feel exacerbating negative effects from the Plunge. Please clear yourself with your doctor/medical provider that plunging is safe for you before your first session

  6. No alcohol or drugs allowed prior or during your plunge session

  7. Breathwork prior to or during your Plunge experience is dangerous and is expressly prohibited

  8. Please refrain from any oils, lotions, or skin applicants that may cause damage to our plumbing

  9. Please avoid excessively spilling the water when going in and out of the plunge


Do not participate in cold plunge if you have any of the conditions or medical devices listed below.

  • Untreated Hypertension (Blood Pressure > 160/100)Suffered a heart attack in the past 24 months

  • Decompensating diseases (edema) of the cardiovascular and respiratory system

  • Congestive heart failure, COPD, or chronic liver disease

  • Acute kidney or urinary tract diseases

  • Unstable Angina Pectoris

  • Pacemaker

  • Peripheral Arterial Occlusive Disease (aka PVD or Peripheral Vascular Disease)

  • Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) or known circulatory dysfunction

  • Acute febrile respiratory (Flu like respiratory conditions)

  • Severe Anemia

  • Hyperhidrosis (heavy perspiration)

  • Cold Allergenic Phenomenon (known allergy to cold contactants)

  • Bacterial and viral infections of the skin

  • Wound healing disorders (open sores or discharging wound/skin conditions)

  • Raynaud’s disease

  • Polyneuropathies

  • Pregnancy

  • Vasculitis

  • Circulatory Problems

  • Diabetes

  • Any infectious disease

***You may have other conditions that make the Activity inappropriate. If you are using medication you should consult a physician before the plunge. Consult with your doctor or medical advisor if you have questions about whether cold plunge is right for you***